A Complete Onboarding Guide for Blinq Business A Complete Onboarding Guide for Blinq Business

A Complete Onboarding Guide for Blinq Business

Here is an overview of the very quick and easy process or sharing the activation links with your team members so they can claim their card, create login details and gain access to their individual desktop dashboards and/ or apps! 


Prior to sharing activation emails, please ensure you have create a Team Template to ensure the content and design is consistent across all cards. For a step-by-step guide on this, click here. 

  1. To create a card from the Team Template, head to the 'Team Cards' tab and click 'Create new team card button' 

  2. Input the employee's email address in the 'Card assigned to' section. This will populate the correct email address also in the email field of the card itself.

  3. Select the appropriate template in the 'Use a Template' section to ensure the design and content from the Team Template created is pulled through to the individual users card. 

[Optional] Fill out card fields with relevant employee information. You can also leave this blank and unlocked and allow the employee to customise these fields once they have claimed their card. 


4. When you are happy with the card fields, hit the 'Create' button in the top right hand corner. This will create the card and also create the activation email. 


You have the option at this step to either send the activation email immediately or save it to send at a later date. For the purpose of this guide, we will select 'Send now'. 

5. The activation email will then be sent to the selected employee's email address. Please prompt your team members to head to their company emails and click the email with Subject Line: Claim your Blinq Profile. 


6. Within this email, employees will click the 'Get my card'. This will then prompt them to create a Password for their Blinq account. These login credentials created by the employee will be the same across the desktop dashboard and Blinq app. 


Blinq provides SSO options via Google, Microsoft and Apple for free within the Blinq Business product. If you would like to explore other SSO options for your company, please Contact Sales for an add-on quote.



7. Once the employee creates Password and clicks 'Create Account' they will be prompted to download the app via the QR code or continue to the desktop dashboard.


[Optional] After claiming their card and downloading the app (using the login credentials they've created), they then have the option of adding the QR code as a widget or to their Apple watch. 

And that's it! Now the employee has claimed their card and they can begin using their Blinq digital business cards! 

Top Tip

As the admin of the account, you will be able to see if an employees has claimed their card or if there is an outstanding action. You can see from the example below that Sam has successfully claimed their card whilst Mason has received their activation email but initiated the claim card flow.

You can simply click 'Resend activation email' to create a duplicate activation email to remind your team to complete this. 


If you get stuck simply click on the Help button in the bottom left or the Home page and select ask a question to loop in with the Support team. 

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