Blinq Business Team Members profiles are created automatically when a Team Card or Signature is created on their behalf. Admins can also create a Team Member directly without needing to assign cards or signatures to their account.
1. Login to using a computer or tablet browser.
2. Click on the Team Members tab of the left-hand side menu.
3. Click Add team member +.
4. Enter the email address of the member.
5. Select the user Permissions from the invite drop down:
- Team Member: Can claim a card and email signature for themselves and view their own Contacts.
- Administrator: Can create, remove and edit Blinq Cards, Team Members and Email Signatures on behalf of the team. Admins also have access to all Company Contacts.
6. If adding an Admin, select whether you would like to send the invite now or later using the additional drop-down menu, then click Add to team.
7. If adding a Member, click Add to team.
8. Choose whether you would like to create an asset for the Team Member by clicking on the Card or Email Signature buttons. Otherwise, click Not now.