Blinq Business Team Member Roles and Permissions Blinq Business Team Member Roles and Permissions

Blinq Business Team Member Roles and Permissions

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There are three kinds of Blinq Business Team Members, as defined by the Role column of the Team Members page:

- Member: A Blinq user who has received and claimed a Team Card or Email Signature on their account, which has been created and assigned for them by the Admin/Owner of the workspace.

- Admin: Able to create, edit and assign Team Cards, Team Email Signatures and Card Templates on behalf of the team.

- Owner: Has all administrator permissions, additionally they are able to set up and manage Integrations for the workspace, and manage billing/payment details. There can only be one owner per workspace.

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To change the owner of your workspace, please reach out to our Support Team who can assist with this. 

Team Members can be upgraded to admin status (and Admins downgraded to Member) from the Team Members page by other admins by clicking on the drop-down box on their role title and selecting 'Administrator'.

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