Blinq Basics: Contacts
You can view your contacts within the Blinq app by tapping the Contacts...
Deleting a Blinq Contact [Dashboard]
1. Log into on a computer or tablet browser. 2. Click on ...
Deleting a Blinq Contact [iOS]
1. Open the Blinq app. 2. Tap on the Contacts tab at the bottom of the ...
Adding notes to a Contact
You can add notes for each contact you add to Blinq as a handy way to a...
Sharing your Blinq Card in person
1. Open the Blinq App 2. Swipe to the relevant card 3. Present your App...
Sharing a Blinq Card via email
1. Open the Blinq App 2. Swipe left or right to the relevant card. 3. C...
Sharing a Blinq Card via text
1. Open the Blinq App. 2. Swipe left or right to the relevant card. 3. ...
Download a Blinq Contact to your phone iOS
1. Open the Blinq App 2. Click into the Contacts menu 3. Scroll the li...
Downloading a Blinq Contact to your phone [Android]
1. Open the Blinq App. 2. Click into the Contacts menu. 3. Scroll the l...
Saving a Blinq Card to contacts [iOS]
Blinq Users can share their Blinq Card with any recipient, and that con...
Saving a Contact to an Android device
Blinq Users can share their Blinq Card with any recipient.  That connec...